영문법 - 영어의 5가지 문장 형식


주어 +  동사(불완전 자동사) + 보어

She became an artist.

불완전 자동사

주어를 보충해주는 보어(주격보어)를 필요로하는 동사.

불완전 자동사의 종류

  1. be : She is kind.
  2. get : He got angry with her.
  3. run : The dog ran wild.
  4. turn : The weather has turned cold.
  5. become : She became an artist.
  6. taste : It tastes sweet.
  7. smell : Dinner smells good.
  8. feel : This blanket feels soft
  9. look : You look pale.
  10. sound : His voice sounded strange on the phone.
  11. seem : You seem happy.
  12. go : An egg has gone bad.
  13. hold : This meet hold good.
  14. remain : He remains seated.
  15. continue : The rain continued falling all aftermoon.


댓글 본문
  1. 노무쿤
    흔들어라 이기야
  2. what are you doing
    what are you doing?
  3. 노무쿤
    흔들어라 이기야
  4. 머지......
  5. ㅋㅋㅋ
  6. 니똥이다
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현재 버전
선택 버전
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