
Wish you were here

본 토픽은 현재 준비중입니다.공동공부에 참여하시면 완성 되었을 때 알려드립니다.

마틴이었다. 이렇게 쳐보라며 알려주었다. 그가 알려주지 않았다면, 나는 아마 그 앞부분을 절대 못 쳤을거야.

그를 처음 만났던 때를 떠올렸다. 그래. 나도 모르게 다가가게 되는 사람들이 있다.


가사를 퍼온 곳 : http://www.lyrics007.com/Pink%20Floyd%20Lyrics/Wish%20You%20Were%20Here%20Lyrics.html

So, so you think you can tell 
Heaven from Hell, 
Blue sky's from pain. 
Can you tell a green field 
From a cold steel rail? 
A smile from a veil? 
Do you think you can tell? 

And did they get you to trade 
Your heroes for ghosts? 
Hot ashes for trees? 
Hot air for a cool breeze? 
Cold comfort for change? 
And did you exchange 
A walk on part in the war 
For a lead role in a cage?

How I wish, how I wish you were here. 

We're just two lost souls 
Swimming in a fish bowl, 
Year after year, 
Running over the same old ground. 
And how we found
The same old fears. 
Wish you were here.

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